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Is Breast Augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) Right for Me?

Do you know the difference between the types of breast surgeries that are available to help reshape your silhouette and enhance your curves? The more that you know about each type of breast surgery, the better prepared you will be to make the right decision to help you meet your cosmetic goals.

There are three types of breast surgery options. Breast reduction surgery reduces the size of breasts that are too large for the frame. Breast lift surgery repositions the breasts so that a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing silhouette is achieved. Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) surgery alters the size of smaller breasts; it can be used to increase the size of naturally smaller breasts or to create beautiful curves where a woman may not have had them.

There are several options available to the woman who is interested in increasing the size of her breasts. Knowing a little bit about each option will ensure that you are completely satisfied with the results of your surgery.

An understanding of the meaning of breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) surgery

This surgery increases the size of the breasts using implants. Implants are medical prostheses that are placed inside of the breast. They can augment, reconstruct or reshape the breast. Each procedure is tailored to meet the needs of the individual.

During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss with each patient what her desired results and goals are. This can help to determine the type of implant used, the size of the implant and the surgical incisions that are used to place the implant.

What are the options in breast implants?

There are, generally speaking, two types of breast implants that are widely used. They are saline implants and silicone-gel filled implants.

To best understand breast implants, it’s important to remember that they are a medical prosthesis that are created in a sterile environment. Implants are tested for safety prior to being set in place, so that you are assured of an implant that lasts for many years to come.

Both the saline and silicone-gel implants are encased in a silicone outer shell. The saline implant is filled with a sterile saline solution that is much like salt water. The saline implants are typically inserted empty and then filled with the saline solution once they are in place.

Silicone-gel implants will need to be inserted at their determined size. This can lead to a great difference in the types of incisions that your surgeon will use. Each type of breast implant is widely considered to be safe, so it will come down to personal choice for each woman.

Fat grafting, instead of the implant option

Outside of breast implants, fat grafting is also used to augment the size of the breasts. Also known as fat transfer breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty), this approach is often the ideal solution for those who are interested in a relatively small increase in the size of their breasts.

The benefits of using a fat graft versus a small implant is that the results often look more natural, and the volume is created with the patient’s own tissue instead of an implant that is foreign to the body.

Liposuction is used to remove fat from an area of the body where it might be in excess, which could include the stomach or buttocks. This fat is then transferred to the breasts, but it can also be used on other areas of the body and face where the patient may wish to restore youthful plumpness.

What can be expected during the surgery?

All surgeries can be frightening to consider, even if the procedure is elective. When you place your trust in a reputable plastic surgeon, such as Dr Justin Perron, you have little to worry about. The procedure is usually relatively fast and complication-free.

Most breast augmentations (augmentation mammoplasty) are performed as day surgery, so that patients are released to recuperate in the comfort of their own home once the anaesthesia has worn off.

During the procedure, your surgeon will make the agreed-upon incisions. These could be hidden in the natural crease beneath the breast, around the nipple or in the armpit. The implant will be inserted, either beneath the pectoral muscle or between the breast tissue and pectoral muscle.

Sutures will close up the incisions and patients will be ready for recovery. Postoperative discomfort is expected but should be easily controlled with pain relieving medications.

The procedure for a fat transfer will be very different from that of implant placement. Patients have much less recovery from this procedure, and there will be less bruising and swelling in the breasts.

Results will not be fully visible until the swelling and bruising from surgery has subsided. Most patients are cleared to return to work within a week (depending on the type of work that you do, physical work will require more downtime) and can resume normal activities within six to eight weeks.

Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) revision surgery

Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) revision surgery can be needed if the implants are several years old and have sprung a leak or have ruptured. They may then need to be replaced in order to maintain your results.

Other reasons for revision surgery could include lifestyle changes or perhaps concerns about the safety of the implants themselves. Whether you are looking to restore a natural contour without implants or looking to use another type of implant, you’ll find that you have many options available to you.

To best understand each of your options for breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty) and revision surgery, your first step should be to schedule a consultation with Dr Justin Perron.

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